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Invest in our funds

All the money that we lend comes from individuals and organisations that support our mission.

There are a number of ways you can invest or provide financial support.

Investing your money with Co-operative & Community Finance represents a positive ethical investment, enabling us to provide loan finance to a range of co-operative and community businesses that really make a difference. We aren’t like a typical finance company as we only support democratically controlled businesses that benefit their employees, communities and the environment.

We are actively seeking investment in ICOF Community Capital Limited (ICC). This fund supports communities to take control of their local assets such as community pubs, shops and other facilities. To find out more about investing please download our share offer document Supporting Community Business.

Invest in ICC today and help us make a positive change for workers, communities and the environment.

ICC is a loan fund supporting the growing number of UK communities taking control and delivering local solutions to meet local needs, for example:

  • saving their local pub or shop
  • re-opening the local swimming baths
  • creating employment for people with disabilities
  • providing affordable housing solutions

Through us, you will be investing in successful businesses that trade profitably to meet the needs and aspirations of their workforce, the communities they serve and society as a whole.

As an investor

  • we will keep you informed of the good things your money is doing
  • provide you with annual audited report and accounts
  • give you the right to have a say in the running of the society, by becoming a board member
  • and pay you dividends if possible

To find out more about investing please download our share offer document
Supporting Community Business today!

There is an application form on page 10 of the share offer document. You can also use the online application form opposite to apply for shares. You can also download a pdf share application form here.

Potential investors may also be interested in these additional documents:

Rotherham Rise
Rotherham Rise

From tenant to landlord

In 2019 Rotherham Rise completed the purchase of the Grade II listed building in Rotherham High Street that it already occupied together with other tenants. The building, which is to be renamed Rise House, provides 1,000 sq ft of office and retail space. Rotherham Rise uses about two-thirds of the accommodation and will now receive rent from the tenants of the other offices, thereby providing a new income stream.

The purchase was made possible by ICOF Community Capital Limited through Co-operative and Community Finance as well as support from Co-op Loan Fund and Key Fund collaborating on a package of long-term loans. The Co-op Foundation has provided loan and grant finance for the fitting out of the cafe.

Rotherham Rise
Rotherham Rise
Share Application Form – ICOF Community Capital Limited
I/We wish to become a member of ICOF Community Capital Limited, in accordance with the rules and this offer document which I/We have read.
If this is a joint application please give the name of the second applicant.
We require your date of birth in order to verify your identity and to conform to Anti-Money Laundering regulations.
Agreement to record data

By investing I agree to my name, address, phone number, email address (where applicable), amount invested and number of shares allocated to me being held on a computer database. I understand that this information will be used for the purpose of maintaining a register of members as required by the rules of the co-operative, for posting of notices regarding the activities of ICOF Community Capital, and will not be passed to third parties.

The names of the members of ICOF Community Capital Limited will be published. The amounts of sums invested by individual members will be confidential.

The information you provide in this form will be used solely for dealing with you as a member of ICOF Community Capital (ICC). ICC has a Data Privacy Policy which can be found in our Data Privacy Statement. Your data will be stored and used in accordance with this Policy.

WARNING – This share offer is exempt from regulation and therefore does not require authorisation by Financial Conduct Authority. If the business fails you have no right of complaint to the Financial Ombudsman or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. If you buy shares you must bear in mind that your investment is fully at risk. If the business fails you may lose some or all of the money you have invested.

Ask us to manage a loan fund on your behalf

Asking us to manage a loan fund on your behalf isn’t really investing but it can benefit you and us and some of the enterprises we aim to support. Because of our expertise and experience in specialist lending we can minimise losses and maximise returns (both social and financial) on funds we manage. In some cases we will match a loan from a fund we manage with another loan directly from our own funds. This doubles the support to the borrower, halves the risk to the lenders and reduces the cost to the fund.

Donate large funds for a specific purpose

Occasionally we have accepted large donations to be used exclusively for lending for a specific purpose, for example to support social enterprise in a particular locality or region. This has sometimes happened as a result of changes in regional or local enterprise support strategies. We are happy to accept funds designed to support defined geographic areas, specific industry sectors or types of enterprise. If you would like to discuss such a donation in confidence please contact us on or 0800 464 7262.